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Armory Guards Guidelines


The Civil War reenacting hobby has changed quite a bit over the last several years. Where at one time groups could pick a single unit to portray, that is no longer the case unless that unit wants to limit the events it attends. Events are now setting the units that will be portrayed as well as the uniform and equipment guidelines. To reflect this change and so as not to limit the events the Armory Guards may attend, we do not have a specific set of uniform guidelines. We do however focus primarily on the western theater Confederate and Federal Impressions.


We do have some general rules that all our members must follow and here they are:

  • All uniform and equipage must be constructed using period correct patterns, techniques and materials

  • Members must meet or exceed the guidelines posted for any event attended by the unit or the individual.

  • Use of illegal substances or serving alcohol to minors is strictly forbidden.

Failure to follow these simple rules can result in a members expulsion from the unit.


Unit By-Laws


Mission Statement
It is the philosophy and intention of the Armory Guards to accurately and respectfully portray the common infantry soldier of the western theater with particular attention given to the events within Georgia in 1864. Further, this organization exists to expedite growth in the study of the Civil War by continually educating the unit’s members as well as the general public.

Type of Organization
The Armory Guards will function as a non-profit organization. Any funds accrued will be solely used for the maintenance of the organization and the equipment that is necessary for purposes of historical interpretation and education. Any funds declared to be in excess of operating expenses shall be donated to a non-profit historical preservation group.

Full Membership
Individuals must meet the following requirements:
1. Must be physically fit and able to carry out assigned duties.

2. Minimum age for membership is 16 years. Those under minimum age must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian to participate with a weapon. The field command will have final say if an underage member can safely utilize a weapon.

3. Must be current with dues.

4. Must exhibit a willingness to cooperate and carry out all duties.

5. Recruits
A. Must be voted into the unit by secret ballot with a 2/3rds majority by the members after attending four (4) events within a calendar year or sooner. Out of these four events, at least two events must be “maximum effort” events. The recruit must attend at least two of these events for the duration of the event and at least one of these must be a “maximum effort” event. This period of time will serve as a probationary period for the recruit.
B. Recruits will be sponsored by a member who will serve as the recruit’s mentor. The mentor will assist the recruit in the proper outfitting and training during the probationary period.
C. Recruits must show proficiency with drill.
D. Recruits will show a positive attitude towards the philosophy and mission of the Armory Guards.
E. Recruits must minimally obtain a quality Army of Tennessee Confederate kit, circa 1864 within one (1) year.

6. Former members who have resigned, left for disciplinary action or have let their membership lapse for six months or longer must reapply for membership by attending two events for the duration of the events and must be voted into the unit by a 2/3 majority.


Associate Membership

1. Associate Members may be admitted by 2/3 vote of voting members present at the annual meeting or at a called meeting.
2. The dues responsibility of an Associate Member shall be the same as that of a Full Member.

3. An Associate Member shall not be subject to an annual event attendance requirement.

4. An Associate Member shall not be eligible to vote on Armory Guards matters.

5. In the event that the Armory Guards acquires an insurance policy for its Members, Associate Members shall be insured to the same degree as Full Members.

Dues and Finances
1. Individual dues are $30.00 per year. Payment shall be made no later than January 15th or immediately upon enrollment of full membership by vote. Should enrollment occur in the last quarter of the year (Oct. – Dec.), dues will be carried over into the following year.

2. A recruit’s dues shall be payable upon his sponsorship. If a recruit does not receive a positive vote into full membership, the recruit’s $30.00 will be refunded.
3. Members who are delinquent after 15 days shall be sent notice of the amount(s) owed. After 30 days they will be dropped from the rolls.

Unit/Organizational Meetings
1. A business meeting will be held once a year, preferably in January. All members are strongly requested to attend. (This does count towards one maximum effort event)

2. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the president.

Matters such as amendments to the By-Laws, membership, disciplinary actions, Executive Council elections, and expenditures exceeding $100.00 must be voted on by members.

1. Amendments – Proposed amendments will be published to the members no less than one month prior to a scheduled meeting. An amendment requires a positive vote by a 2/3 majority of the members present at the proceeding.

2. Decisions requiring immediate action can be decided by the Executive Council at the time the situation occurs.

3. All Executive Council elections and membership votes shall be conducted by secret ballot.

4. Votes can be made either in person, via U.S. mail or via email to the adjutant. Any such voting conducted by mail or email must be received two (2) days prior to the meeting at which the voting will take place.

5. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote.

6. Recruits have no voting privileges.

Elected Positions – elections will occur annually at the unit business meeting.
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Adjutant

Appointed Position(s)
The President shall have the power to appoint a member in good standing to positions as needed, including an organizational chaplain. These positions do not hold a field rank. Any such position will serve as an advisor to the Executive Council.

Executive Council
The executive council will consist of the President, Vice President, and the Adjutant. The executive council will be responsible for the operation of the unit. They will appoint the field command and non-commissioned officers for unit sponsored events.

Conduct & Discipline
This unit will conduct itself in a military fashion. The orders of the commanding officer will be obeyed. Event regulations will be obeyed. Due respect will be shown all officers, event hosts and spectators. All members are responsible for the actions of their dependents and guests. Dependents, recruits and guests are subject to the same conduct requirements as members. Detrimental conduct beyond the field, including misuse of discussion forums, etc. may result in expulsion.

The following are strictly forbidden and may result in expulsion.
1. Illegal substances or drugs including drug paraphernalia – any use or possession of such items will result in the immediate expulsion of the member from the unit.
2. Alcohol abuse will not be tolerated. The consumption of alcohol by minors is not allowed.
3. Theft – any member that steals from other members, recruits, event hosts, etc. will be immediately dismissed. Thieves will not be tolerated.





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